Sonoma County: News and Notes

Well, its earnings season and I am starting my posts with Calix.  I want more time with the 10-Q from Enphase but what I have to say about Calix is unequivocal.  Since reporting, the stock is up considerably.  This is due to the 4Q guidance, but what I have to say I think eclipses that.

Let’s talk numbers first.  Revenue was $128M of which $106M was product.  The company with that lost $0.35 per share.  The guidance for Q4 was Revenue of between $140M – $145M and a loss of $0.10 – $0.15 per share.  The company lauded this set of results and predictions as substantially on track with their plan and how things should be.

I completely disagree.  If you look at the numbers, the Product Revenue was down year over year on a quarterly basis.  From my time in the industry, I know Q3 is a big quarter.  That represents a huge problem for me.  Secondarily, they have been increasing revenue year over year with services.  In this case, they are losing $6M on the services at Gross Margin.  This compares to essentially breakeven last year.  This means to get the business associated with these services that Calix had to give its customers a $6M discount.  Now, to complete this thought we need to come back to the R&D expenses.  Right now, if you ask Calix I am sure they would say they are spending about 25% of Revenue on R&D.  The reality is that this R&D has to do with product and not services.  That means that really that is more like 30%.  That is an extraordinarily high number for a company that is flat this year for Product Sales.  Add into that that they had to give a discount, you get real problems.  If you are building such great and valuable products with all of that R&D, why did you have to give your customers a discount?

Now the stock has done well post-announcement.  I see a completely different story than the one the company tried to sell.  The analysts were all over the service margin issue, but I don’t believe that anybody tied it up in a bow for you like this.

My view is quite simple.  This is the third or fourth major growth initiative from Calix that has gone essentially nowhere.  That is a problem from not recognizing that strategic situation and dealing with it correctly.  To me that starts at the top and the Board of Directors should do something about it.  Yes, I think it is time for Carl Russo to go.  Look the company is substantial and not going away anytime soon.  But they clearly need a new path forward as the last several have not worked.  That is why you need a change of leadership.  They have turned over just about every other position in the leadership.  And yet the problem remains.  Now it is up to the Board to act.

Have a great day!
Jim Sackman
Focal Point Business Coaching
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